After some very enthusiastic photo-taking in Vernet, no one would stand still long enough to have a camera pointed at them, and so we took a bit of a hiatus. No fear, though, for the last day, the cameras and iPhone were out. Photo credit to Mom and Caroline, who picked up the slack while I was in class.
I expect to find the front door at home looking like this when I return in May
A gelatto flower!!
Last picnic in Paris. woot woot!
A one-legged pigeon joined us for the occasion.
This lady brought a baguette to share with the birds. Not quite up to Mary Poppins "feed the birds" lady standards, but she's working on it.
The Lee family home-away-from-home down an especially historically significant passageway. Here, the first guillotine was assembled, and revolutionary flyers were printed in what's now a (delicious) pastry/chocolate shop.
Ladurée to sample the best-of-the-best macarons.
Flavors carefully chosen to match their shirts. (Caroline's is covered up, but rest assured it matched her framboise macaron)
Caroline, queen of selfies.
Nighttime tour of Paris from the Seine
The only person more dedicated to photo-documentation than us.
This one's for you, Roman.
Au revoir, family!! Thanks for a wonderful week!