Saturday, December 7, 2013


Hopefully everyone woke up to stuffed shoes yesterday morning, and if not, got themselves a clementine and some chocolate.

St. Nikolaus Day on Rue des Martyrs:

(St. Nikolaus plans ahead)
For only (ha) fifty-four euros you can eat a big St. Nikolaus and his horse made of all kinds of chocolate.  Bright side: the guy weighs 7500 grams, so you'll be set for a while.  Or the day, at least.
Or, if you'd like to go a different route in your St. Nikolaus-eating: iced, orange-infused St. Nikolaus spice bread.  
And finally, a St. Nikolaus mold for something (really big cookie?), and St. Nikolaus's black tea.  

1 comment:

  1. oops! Not only did he plan ahead, but he planned a day ahead of his usual schedule...he has since learned that he is supposed to be celebrating his day on December 6!
