This week, in the absence of classes, I've been trying to check off a few things from my forever-expanding list of things I want to do before I leave. On Tuesday, I stopped in the Musée d'Art Moderne, and this afternoon I met a friend at the Mosquée de Paris's Salon du Thé for mint teas and a bit of mosque-exploration.
An unfinished version of La Danse by Matisse. Don't tell Matisse, but I like the unfinished one better than the real-deal (which was on the other side of the wall).
It's enormous!! (see that lady sitting next to it?)The entrance to the tea room
Quite the ceiling
After we'd finished our tea, we popped over to the non-commercial section of the mosque for a look around.
The contrast between the mosque's architecture and the surrounding buildings' made you feel like you had one foot in Paris and the other in Marrakech.
It appears that the Museum of Modern Art has a spot of black mold! Love the mosaics and of course, the beautiful photography. You have such a way, Vivian, of capturing things!