Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I've seen this guy a few times in the park, but I had a few spare minutes today, so I stayed and watched him in action.  He had 14 (!!) dogs, 1 long-tailed wheatie, and probably at least 10 balls, which he threw every which way as packs of dogs tore after them.  None on leashes, all wearing orange bandanas.  One thing is for certain: he is definitely their pack leader.
Rollo-Cops.  That's a new one.  
And as per my mom's request: a photo of Sciences Po, where all the magic happens.  This is the Rue des Saint-Peres building, where I have French and the European Union as an International Actor.  

p.s. Claudine's daughter went her first day without smoking in five years today!!  send her good thoughts!


  1. Looks like it was a beautiful day in Paris and so fun to see where the magic happens! Ah...the orange bandana was what I was missing all these years.

  2. Roller cops on cobblestones... not sure about that one :D
